Thursday, September 30, 2010

Daily Shot of Black Holes!

I thought this video was pretty sweet.  I love watching videos about the Universe and the awesome stuff that we are discovering every day.  Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Daily Shot of Extraterrestrial Life Info!

After the jump will be two articles about recent UFO/Extraterrestrial related stuff that has happened recently... I am neither confirming nor denying my personal belief in UFOs, but I do think that readers might be interested in the reads!  Let me know what you think.

Daily Shot of Minecraft Awesomness!

I don't personally play Minecraft, but WOW - this is amazing...  I am not sure what the dimensions are for the "life-size" one, but this is apparently a 1:1 replica.  Let me know what you think!


Daily Shot of Thank You's!

I just wanted to post a quick and sincere thank you to my followers - your comments inspire me to keep finding cool and funny stuff to share with the world!  I look forward to keeping you entertained long into the future...  Let me know if there is anything you'd like me to find or post about and I will do my best to provide it.  Thanks!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Daily Shot of Han Solo Music Video Spoofs!

I don't remember where I saw this video first, but I had it bookmarked and wanted to share it with the world. It's one of the better done fake music videos I have seen in a long time... Enjoy! Look forward to your comments.

Daily Shot of... Oopsies...

Heya folks - I just wanted to drop by and apologize for not posting today - split and hauled/stacked 3 cords of wood today and was too exhausted afterward to find/come up with anything cool.  I will be back tomorrow with new stuff for you all!

If you are looking for something neat to check out until my next post, check out my investing blog at!  It's just starting out and has quite the following as well as some great information.